i am

"Who could be so lucky? Who comes to a lake for water and sees the reflection of the moon." Rumi



 In August, I was attuned for Reiki I, finally! I had only worked on 3 people since my attunement… until this weekend.

This weekend I went to Maryland for a wedding. I was there for about 4 days. During the chaotic preparations, the bride’s maids were exhausted and stressed. Most of us stayed at the couple’s house. There was much to be done. Every single day since being there, I performed Reiki on the girls, including the bride.

None of the ladies knew about Reiki or energy healing although some were familiar with the 7 main chakras. And ever since my attunement, I like to incorporate reiki into my scalp massages, so I thought it was a nice way to introduce this modality.

After spending 4 days with ladies I’ve only seen about 5 times in my lifetime, I realized how stressed out women tend to be on a regular basis. I gathered this through the girl talks every night after cleaning, cooking and wine.

After every mini session, all the ladies had similar yet unique experiences. But one thing in common was their satisfaction of relaxing and breathing for a few minutes without interruption, without being bombarded with mundane distractions.

As I was reading an article about reiki for cancer patients (I will write about that later), the quote below rang true to me. Ever since I began my daily meditations in the beginning of this year, I have an easier time dealing with daily activities or interactions. It gives me a sense of peace and purpose. It brings me closer to the Divine.

I’m glad I was able to help these ladies achieve this peace of mind, even if only for the weekend.


Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh often refers to the importance of stopping as a way to cultivate inner healing: 

“At first, ’stopping’ may look like a kind of resistance to modern life, but it is not… Humankind’s survival depends on our ability to stop rushing. Stopping is not only to stop the negative, but to allow positive healing to take place.”

Source: Reiki for Cancer Patients