i am

"Who could be so lucky? Who comes to a lake for water and sees the reflection of the moon." Rumi


She walked…

on water. Ha, I’m kidding.

On a serious note though, my aunt was recently diagnosed with cancer. Stage 4. I went to see her last night. I have been doing research on Reiki for cancer patients prior to visiting her. To be honest, I just expected to ease her mind, help her relax and sleep.

She was in bed. Her right ankle is  swollen and in pain. Her left knee is suffering from arthritis pain as well. She cannot put pressure on her ankle, nor on her knee. So she’s been rolling on her desk chair around the house because she can’t walk. I wasn’t sure how to bring Reiki up in conversation. My aunt had never heard of it. I’m fluent in Spanish, but I’m not familiar with spiritual or energy healing terminology, so I tried the best I could to explain to her exactly what it is. I was afraid she wouldn’t be open to receiving energy healing, but to my delightful surprise, she agreed to do it.  I made sure to spend a good chunk of time on each section.

After the session was over, her reaction to this new, never-heard-of experience was overwhelming. I will not go into details about our conversation, but I can say that she felt less pain and was very much at peace. And hear this, my aunt walked. She couldn’t believe it. My cousins were astonished as well.

My aunt walked. 

My hands, of course channeling the energy of all that Is, helped heal her pain. My little hands. And although my intention is not to feel self-gratification but to provide as much healing as possible to the next person, it feels amazing to know that with pure love and energy I can comfort someone in need.